Property and Commercial
​Hangar Facilities
Sites for hangar development with landside access are available. For more information please contact the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport Manager at

Property Development
The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport is committed to on-going development of the airport precinct. Both landside and airside opportunities are available for aviation-related, transport or retail development. For more information please contact the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport Manager.
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport Master Plan 2018-2032
Airspace Protection
To ensure the safety of aircraft and passengers, the airspace surrounding an airport must be protected from inappropriate development or intrusions.
Civil Aviation Safety Authority regulations have long recognised the need to restrict the development height of buildings and other structures (such as cranes) near airports or under flight paths.
These regulations aim to ensure that:
- Aircraft operate in airspace that is obstacle-free;
- Radar and other air navigation equipment can operate free from interference and;
- Airport safety lights are not obscured.
Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS)
In order to protect aircraft against potential collision risk, it is necessary to implement rules regarding tall structures surrounding aerodromes. This is done via the implementation and safeguarding of Obstacle Limitation Surfaces or Protected Surfaces as detailed in the CASA MOS Part 139. The Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) are conceptual (imaginary) surfaces associated with a runway, which identify the lower limits of the aerodrome airspace above which objects become obstacles to aircraft operations
Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS- OPS) surfaces
PAN-OPS describes the way in which aircraft flight procedures are designed in accordance with ICAO standards and recommended practices to ensure the safety of aircraft operating via radio and satellite navigation aids to fly safely in poor weather (known as “non-visual conditions”).
Airspace Protection Documents
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Design Files
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City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder