General Aviation

Basic information regarding Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport operations is provided below. Detailed information regarding airport operations are detailed in the Airservices Australia publication, En Route Supplement Australia (ERSA).

 Runways and Taxiways

Runway 11/29 is 2000m long and 45m wide and is suitable for aircraft up to B787/A330 size.

Runway 18/36 is 1200m long and 18m wide and is suitable for aircraft up to Kingair and PC-12

  Navigational Aids

The airport has a Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) visual navigational aid, plus Airservices Australia provide a Non Directional Beacon (NDB) aid.

 Further Information

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport does not have an Air Traffic Control Tower or an Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting Service.

Further details of the facilities for pilots are contained in Airservices Australia publications;

  En Route Supplement Australia (ERSA), and

 Departure and Approach Paths.

Pilots should access this information through the Airservices Australia website and their Pilot Centre.

If you require further information, contact our Airport Operations team on 0417 909 506

 General Aviation Parking 

Northen GA Apron - No prior approval required.

RPT Easten Apron - Prior approval required, contact our Airport Operations team on 0417 909 506.

RPT Apron - Strictly NO parking for General Aviation.