Compliance and Regulations

Airside Driving

All organisations that will be operating vehicles airside will need to complete airside driving assessments and provide an annual compliance statement to the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport.

Airport Airside and Airside Driving Induction

All inductees/contractors (including sub-contractors) undertaking any works at, or for, the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport must familiarise themselves with the airport airside and driving induction presentations and complete the relevant questionnaires.

The completed questionnaire is to be submitted to the Airport Compliance Coordinator before commencement of work at the airport.

All inductees/contractors (including sub-contractors) undertaking any works landside for for the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport must complete the Airport Safety and Security Information Sheet. When read and signed this form can be submitted to the airport.

Identification Cards and Access Control

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport ceased as an authorised ASIC issuing body as of 26 July 2019.

We are very pleased to advise that we have an agreement with Veritas ( to support all existing Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport issued ASIC cards.

The following information is provided to assist Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport issued ASIC card holders manage their future ASIC obligations:

Expired ASICs. You must return your red or grey ASIC to the Veritas within 1 month (30 days) after the expiry of the card. 

Lost, stolen or destroyed ASICs. As a red or grey ASIC holder, you must notify your Veritas within 7 days of becoming aware of the loss, theft or destruction of your card. You must return your card within 1 month (30 days) after the card has been damaged, altered or defaced.

Suspended ASICs or MSICs. If your red or grey ASIC is suspended, you must return your card to the Veritas no later than 7 days after you become aware of the suspension.

No operational need. If you no longer have an operational need for a red or grey ASIC, you must return your card within 1 month (30 days) to Veritas.

Change of name. If you have changed your name, you must notify your Veritas within 30 days after the change. Failure to notify your Veritas or return you card in time may incur a penalty of up to AUD1,800.

Self-reporting. As an ASIC cardholder, you must report any criminal or aviation-security-relevant offences.

Criminal convictions. If you are convicted of and sentenced for a security-relevant offence, you must notify your Veritas or AusCheck, in writing, within 7 days. Review and appeal mechanisms are in place for those with convictions of criminal and aviation or maritime-security-relevant offences.

Renewing your ASIC. Veritas’ online application allows you to complete the renewal process with ease. Once you have completed the online form, you will need to print a copy of the application form, gather your identity documents, and lodge your application at any one of over 376 Australia Post outlets nationwide.

If you have any queries on the application process, please contact Veritas for further assistance:

Postal Address for card returns: Veritas, PO Box 7696, Cloisters Square, WA 6850


National: 1300 VERITAS (1300 837 482)



Visitor Identification Card (VIC) may be issued by Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport to approved applicants to provide temporary airside access. VIC registrations must be completed at least 24 hours prior to required access to site and will be managed by the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Airport. Current photo identification will be required when collecting the VIC. Restrictions apply to the number of VICs that can be issued within a calendar year.

VIC Pre-Registrations please click here